Sunday, December 9, 2018

Hey, Review-Journal: This guy's not a huckster

A front-page article in the Sunday, December 9, 2018 edition of the Las Vegas Review-Journal carries the headline, “Holidays ripe for hucksters of false charity.” Above the headline is a photo of a man named James Liebmann ringing the bell for the Salvation Army outside a local grocery store.

Given the juxtaposition of the “huckster” headline and the photo, one might conclude Mr. Liebmann is a huckster. Not so. He’s a legitimate Salvation Army bell ringer, and apparently a very nice guy. Unfortunately, one must read several paragraphs and go to the “jump” of the article on page 6A before it becomes clear that he’s not a huckster.

The article goes on to describe various holiday charity scams and gives advice on spotting them. While it’s a well-written and useful article, the photo caption should have clarified that Mr. Liebmann is one of the good guys.