Friday, November 30, 2018

Hey, Huffington Post, ever see a non-deadly killing?

A Nov. 30 article in the Huffington Post raises an interesting question: "Is there such a thing as a non-deadly killing?" The article tells the tragic story of three teenagers, two from California and one from Mexico, who were killed execution-style in Tijuana, Mexico.  By all accounts the victims were nice young men. The article can be found here.

The article is informative and well-written, but down in the text, one finds the following sentence: "The teens’ murders came in addition to four other deadly killings in Tijuana last weekend."

Huh? I thought all killings were deadly. Am I missing something? The author of the article is listed as David Lohr. His bio on the Huffington Post says he's a former senior investigative crime writer for CourtTV's Crime Library and has been writing about crime and criminals for nearly 20 years. He must have written about a lot of deadly killings in that time.

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